Scheduling Update…

by Danielle S
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I posted a few days ago about me wanting to come up with a schedule, so that I can get work done during the day. Well after a few days of trying hard to get Baby S into a routine that would work for me, I realized that I should just stop trying to force us into a set routine. He’s a baby and babies do not understand deadlines at all.

So, instead of trying to do “academic” work during the day I’ll do it in the evenings and on the weekend when Mr. S is home or if my sister-in-law comes by to hang out with Baby S. I can do “house” work during the day, because it’s easy to do little things during Baby S’ shorter naps or when he’s playing with his activity gym or even while I’m wearing him in our Moby wrap.

On the days I teach in the evenings I’ll take Baby S on a morning walk (weather permitting), but that will be my only exercise for the day. This will give me time to do any household chores and possibly start a crockpot meal for dinner. I can also use any extra time to put finishing touches on my lesson plans. On the other days we can take our walk and I can do another workout since I won’t have to worry about finishing up last minute teaching stuff.

Once I stopped trying to force us into a strict schedule everything felt better. I’m more relaxed and I think that makes Baby S more relaxed as well. The only thing I want to keep consistent is his bed time routine. He’s been sleeping 7-10 hours in the evenings and that gives me time to do some work and also get sleep. I know there will be nights when he won’t sleep as long and that’s okay…

Parenting is teaching me that everything can’t be planned and for a super planner that’s a bit hard to accept.

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