Short Post–Breastfeeding Annoyances

by Danielle S

I was going to write a post about the most annoying things that people say to breastfeeding moms, but I really just want to address one thing at the moment.

Dear Time Magazine,

Thank you so much for making breastfeeding a controversial discussion and letting those who think breasts are meant for looking hot in a bikini feel comfortable questioning my parenting choices before I even make them.


A first time mom who wants to smack your editor 🙂

I saw this on a breastfeeding support page on FB and I love it! So beautiful…

Out of all the random mommy advice/commentary that I receive, the most annoying conversations revolve around breastfeeding. If one more person compliments me for breastfeeding and then says “don’t be like that lady on Time magazine breastfeeding a 5 year old…” I might scream in their face. Seriously, why is everyone so concerned with how long I plan on breastfeeding my child. He’s not even 6 months yet and people consistently ask me this question, even people who don’t have children. I just don’t get it… I never asked any of my friends/family how long they were going to breastfeed their child. I don’t have a set timeline for nursing Baby S. My ultimate goal is to make it a year, but I am not opposed to extended breastfeeding and neither is my husband. So back off…


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