Meet Danielle Slaughter
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Bragging Moment: I am the 2015 winner of Type-A Parent’s We Still Blog Award. A 2016 recipient of the Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Scholar for the Dream Award. A BlogHer Voices of the Year Winner for 2016 and 2017. As well as a two-time nominee for an Iris Award for Most Engaging Content (2017 and 2018).
What is Mamademics?

Mamademics now chronicles my life as I attempt to balance my roles as a mother and independent scholar. You can count on me for funny parenting stories and gut-wrenching essays that tackle the hard subjects that many people avoid. The latter are the posts that have helped me find my calling in a social justice advocacy resource website for parents entitled, Raising an Advocate, which was inspired by my first viral post, Why White Moms Need To Care About Murdered Black Children. Sign up for a class here or pledge your support here.
You can also see some of my art and hear what I think about all the books I read over on Mamademics on Youtube.
Work With Danielle
While I am open to learning about all PR campaigns, I am especially interested in those with a focus on parenting, education, and social justice advocacy in some facet. I am interested in building genuine relationships with brands that speak to me and my family. Brands I’ve worked with in the past include — Osh’Kosh B’Gosh, Pediasure, Disney, Six Flags, Nabisco, Audible, Pilot G-2, and more.
I’m also a HUGE reader with a special love for Black historical romance, Black contemporary romance, BIPOC YA fantasy series, and time travel.
I am also available for freelance projects and speaking engagements that focus on parenting, social justice advocacy, and/or curriculum development. I can be reached at
Find out how to book me for your next conference or seminar here: Book Danielle Slaughter