Dear Sesame:
A year ago today, you made your grand entrance into this world at 2:28 pm. You were a little bitty thing 5 lbs 8.7 0z and 18 inches long. You had a head full of dark black hair just like your mommy, but you definitely have your daddy’s face. It is hard to believe that it’s already been a year, but we survived. We survived three weeks of exclusively pumping until you learned to latch with a nipple shield. We survived another eight or so weeks of mommy scrambling to find a clean nipple shield for you to nurse until one day you just knocked it off and latched like you already knew what to do. We survived sleepless nights and moments of us both crying because mommy had no idea what to do. We survived daddy going back to work and your grandparents leaving and it just being the two of us. We survived your first fever after shots. We survived your first two rounds of teething and your first small cold. From the moment we brought you home our focus was on keeping you alive and we managed to do it with flying colors.

One day old…
On to the really mushy stuff that I’m sure you’re going to shake your head at later.
I’m not sure how much you weigh or how tall you are, but I’m pretty sure you’re around 17 pounds at this point (still petite), but tall if that makes sense because you’re getting to long for you 12-18 month pants. We’ll find out your exact measurements next week at your well visit. You are seriously the happiest baby I’ve ever been exposed to and I’ve been around a lot of babies. Your smile is infectious and your laugh is so adorable. You truly bring joy to everyone in our families.
You love music and can’t help but bounce and dance whenever a song comes on in the house. I’m hoping you inherited rhythm for your daddy or Nana (mommy’s mom) because yea I can’t dance. You are most definitely a PBS kid just like mommy and daddy. Right now your favorite shows are Super Why, Dinosaur Train, Sesame Street, and Curious George. You love to play with all your fun toys, but you always choose a book first when it’s play time. I’m not sure if it’s your new found love of eating paper or the fact that you are genuinely interested in books. I hope it’s the latter because it’ll be something we have in common.
Your favorite times of day are early mornings with mommy, play time with daddy when he gets off work, and bath time. As soon as you see me turn on the water for your bath, you start to bounce and smile. You love to play with your rubber duckies and floating turtles in the tub. You are a crawling machine and you crawl so fast. You haven’t gotten up the courage to let go and start walking yet, but you’re definitely cruising around everything. I’m sure it will only be a matter of time before you take your first steps. Sadly, I’m not looking forward to it because then I’ll have to run to keep up with you.

I love his smile 🙂
Yesterday was your first birthday party and I wish you could fully understand how loved you truly are. I know that if anything ever happened to me or your dad you would be be well loved and provided for without us. I will definitely write a post about the party with pictures later, but just know you are a really blessed little boy.
Thank you so much for this last year. It has truly been the BEST year of my life and I know that every year will only get better.
I love you to the moon and back,