Adventures in Food

by Danielle S
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Baby S turned 6 months old last week and we decided to officially introduce food on a regular basis. Aside from a small taste of mashed potatoes and melon around 5 months, Baby S has been exclusively breastfed. I know that some people introduce solids earlier, and our pediatrician even cleared us for cereal at his 4 month appointment but we made the decision to wait. Of course like any other parenting decision we make there were people who couldn’t believe we were waiting. In my husband’s words “you’re the one who has to do most of the feeding, so however long you want to wait is fine.” Now why can’t everyone else subscribe to the whole “what you do with your breasts is up to you” motto?

Mmmmm oatmeal

We received the entire Baby Bullet set as a gift from family and friends, so I used the weekend before to prep food for the coming days. Can I just say that using the Baby Bullet to prepare his food is actually quite fun and a little relaxing. For the first 2 weeks, I prepared oatmeal, avocado, and carrots. The avocado didn’t go so well storage wise, but that’s okay since I plan to no longer puree it in the future. I asked for these gifts on the registry before I was informed of baby led weaning. I like the idea behind baby led weaning, but I’m still a little nervous about giving him bigger pieces of food. Instead of going full out with the method, I decided to use it for some foods like banana and avocado. I also do not puree his food to a smooth thin consistency. I leave texture and it’s fun to see his face when he has a bit of the actual texture from the food. In addition, I think it’s good to have separate food for him even if it’s what we’re eating so he doesn’t have too much seasoning.

His after milk smile…

So far, he only eats about two teaspoons before he’s done and either ready for his milk or ready to go play. I know food before age 1 is just for fun and not nutrition. I’m actually a little happy that he’s not that into food right now, because I actually enjoy our nursing relationship. There is nothing better than the look on his face when he’s eating or when he finishes and gives me a huge smile. I’m definitely no where near ready for that to end…

Aside from his gas smelling like a grown man now, we haven’t noticed any major changes now that he’s eating food. I’m sure that will change as he starts ingesting more food on a regular basis.

What was your baby’s first food? Did you wait the recommended 6 months? Baby led weaning or purees?


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