7 Diverse Board Books For Babies and Toddlers

by Danielle S


7 Diverse Board Books For Babies and Toddlers

Last week I shared the 12 books by Black women that I’m reading in 2018. This week I’m focusing on diverse books for babies.


Adding diverse books to your family’s bookshelf is one of the first pieces of advice that I give to parents trying to make sure their child grows up knowing about more than whiteness. This can be a little difficult when you’re looking for diverse board books for babies and toddlers. I thought I’d share six of my favorite.

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The newest books in our diverse board book collection came from Barefoot Books. I’m a distributor but I always forget to share the great books in our collection. I love these books because they always do a great job of incorporating diversity from race to family and more.


Baby’s First Words teaches your little ones over 100 words as you flip through the colorful pages featuring an adorable toddler and her two days. This book also comes in a Spanish Version.


Fast and Slow introduces little ones to different modes of transportation and their speeds. It also comes in a Spanish version


Baby Talk is all about experiencing life with your baby from cuddles to singing time. My favorite page is the siblings sharing cuddles.


Sounds Around Town shows your little one all the different sounds around town, so get ready to purr like a cat and honk like a horn.

If you’ve been following Mamademics for the last few years, you know that A is for Activist is ALWAYS on my children’s book lists. It’s so perfect for not only showcasing diversity but also to introduce activist terms to your children.

Counting on Community is Nagara’s followup to A is for Activist. I love this book not only because you’re working on counting but it introduces your little ones to the importance of building community while showcasing diversity.

Peekaboo Morning is perfect for the babies who enjoy this popular hand game. It’ll even introduce new ways to play beyond covering your face with your hands.

You can find more great board books for your little ones, as well as diverse books for older children in my Barefoot Books Shop.

What are your favorite diverse children’s books?

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