Sometimes Silence Speaks Volumes

by Danielle S
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“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.


I’m going to keep this post short because the quote is pretty self explanatory.

While on vacation, I took the time to write a post that was very hard for me and different from what I’ve posted in the past here. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, check it out (Mommy Worry: Fears of Raising a Brown Boy). Shortly after posting it the jury reached a verdict in the George Zimmerman case. As many of you know by now, Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Like many others I took to twitter to air out my frustrations that there seemed to be no justice for the shooting death of a child. I watched as twitter exploded from both sides and there ended up being lots of unfollowing/blocking going on from several different parties.

When the dust settled, I noticed that so many “friends” were silent on the issue. Mommy bloggers who I respect and who I saw speak out and offer condolences after Sandy Hook were obviously silent.  A lot of friends who I consider allies for social justice/civil rights were silent and yet this all spoke volumes to me. I waited to see if popular mommy bloggers would touch on the issue even from the perspective of a mother losing her child, but nope just silence. I waited to see if there would be FB posts from allies and for the most part there was just silence. Deafening silence that reminded me that we really are not as far from the Jim Crow/Civil Rights era as I would like to think.

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