Starting a Routine

by Danielle S
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As my “maternity leave” winds down, I know I need to get into a set routine. I plan to spend the next two weeks coming up with a schedule that will work.

Ideally this is how I hope most of my days will look.

6:00 am: Wake up Mr. S; Do a 20 min workout via On Demand; Take a 10 min shower

6:30 am: Wake up Mr. S again (yes I’m sure he’ll still be sleeping); Change Baby S and nurse him back to sleep

7:00-8:00 am: Watch the news while eating breakfast and blogging

8:00 am: Check on Baby S who is probably awake at this point. Change him and nurse him. Do an activity with him.

10:00 am: Hopefully Baby S will be ready for a morning nap. Once he’s napping I will spend some time either studying for my comprehensive exams or depending on how exhausted I am from the day before I’ll take a nap w/ him.

12 noon: Repeat steps from 8 am. I will probably take Baby S for a walk around this time, so we can both get some fresh air.

2:00 pm: Put Baby S down for an afternoon nap. If it’s a teaching day I will get dressed for work and review my lesson plans.

Here’s where it gets tricky… the evenings that I have to work I need to be ready to leave the house around 4:15 so I can be on campus no later than 5:15. I’ll teach until around 8:15 and then Mr. S will pick me up along w/ Baby S. This is twice a week. The rest of the days I will work from home in the evenings, so I need a schedule for those days. I need to work on the 4:00-9:oo pm part of this schedule.

9:00 pm: Go through bath routine with Baby S. We tried putting him to bed earlier than 10 pm; but he wakes up as soon as we’re ready for be so for now I’ll put him to bed around this time until he starts sleeping through the night.

Just looking at this schedule has me exhausted and anxious. Plus, I didn’t pencil in lunch smh. This is a rough frame of what I hope my day will look like; but I know that it won’t be perfect. I also know the times he sleeps may change; but these are the times he seems to nap longer. I also plan to still breastfeed him on demand.

What do your schedules look like?



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