Letter to my Unborn Son!

by Danielle S
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Some of you may have seen this post on the Celeb Mommy a few months ago, so bear with me as I try to bring my new readers up to speed on Bella Rose.

I wrote this letter during my first trimester before we had shared the pregnancy with a lot of people. I wanted to write him more letters, but I have not been able to brave the tears and emotions that this first letter took out of me. I do plan to write him more in the coming weeks and once he’s here.

I hope you all enjoy…

Dear Baby S:

On Saturday, July 16, 2011, I took 5 pregnancy tests and discovered you were on the horizon. On Thursday, August 11, 2011, I heard your heartbeat for the first time. Every since that day I have been trying to write this first letter to you. There are truly no words to express how happy your father and I are about your impending arrival. We both love you so much already and you are only the size of a grape :).

Right now…
I hope that you are safe inside my womb. I hope that you will be healthy and there will be no complications. I hope that I can be strong and have a stress free pregnancy, so that you are healthy. I hope that you let me eat fried chicken and cheeseburgers without puking… oh and french fries. Mommy loves french fries!!!

In the future…
I hope that I will be a wonderful mom, and that you are never disappointed in me. I hope that you we will never go to bed angry at one another. I hope that you will always remember that you are loved and that both of your parents will move heaven and earth for your happiness.

Right now and in the future…
I promise to always be there for you. I promise to always listen even when I don’t agree. I promise to raise you in a home full of love and peace. I promise to always be there when you fall, but to back off when you need me too. I promise to love you no matter what, you are already everything I have ever dreamed of and more than I could ever imagine.

Love Always,
Your Mommy

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