My Self Care Plan: Endorphins, Writing, and Alone Time

by Danielle S
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After I shared my last post, I decided to take a brief break to let myself regroup a bit and try to find my happy. Plus, to be honest I was feeling a little uneasy about shaking those feelings.

Since I’m a planner by nature, I decided to create a plan to pull myself out of the abyss and not fall back down. The biggest part of this plan was finally starting my new workout plan not only to work on my self image issues, but also because releasing endorphins are good for depression. I’ve done pretty good about sticking to workout schedule, but I’ve missed a few days.


I’ve also carved out weekly writing time and stuck to it, which means my dissertation chair received an updated prospectus in her inbox recently. It also means that I will be scheduling my prospectus defense for the very near future. Eeekk…

I’ve gotten out of the house a few times sans Mr. S and Sesame, which has really helped me clear my head. Summer break will be here soon, so I’ll have more “me time” in the near future. I’m learning that this is really important for me partly because I’m an introvert, but also because taking care of people makes me happy and it’s so easy to get lost in mom/wife life and forget about my own needs.

My work schedule is still a bit hectic, but I’ve gotten into a better groove (ie sticking to my weekly plan more). The semester is winding down at the brick and mortar university, so I’ll have a bit more evening work time.



In the coming weeks and months, I plan to institute the following into my personal self-care:

  • Mani/Pedi days–either at the salon or home
  • Quiet journaling time
  • Researching therapists in the area
  • Working out 5 days a week
  • Social media blackout day
  • Treating myself to a hot stone massage once my prospectus defense takes place

I’m hoping these things will help me remove the mask, at least most of the time.

Untold Story


Even though I was very nervous about sharing that post, I’m glad I did because it forced me to take a good hard look at how I treat myself. I’m always putting what I need emotionally/mentally on the back burner and I have to stop doing that or I’m going to be no good to anyone. Thank you to everyone who commented or sent me a private message. It really helped me feel less alone.

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