2013 Goal #2: No More Baby S

by Danielle S
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These are the looks he gave me in a one minute span lol

These are the looks he gave me in a one minute span lol

Since Baby S will be turning one in a little over two months and quickly moving to the toddler category, I decided it’s time to give him a nickname for the blog. I mentioned this on the FB fan page and got a few responses. One friend thinks I should stick with “Sesame,” the nickname he had in while in utero. Another suggested “tiny human” because I refer to him as one frequently…blame it on my love for Grey’s Anatomy. The final suggestion was “Chip” from Beauty and the Beast. I actually like this idea, since it would go well with the my pseudonym for the site, but I know we’ll have at least one more munchkin in the future and they never tell us the names of Chip’s siblings. Plus, I’m not Mrs. Potts… I’m totally Belle lol.  Oh and I kind of feel like I should give him a nickname that fits him and not necessarily in line with who I am… does that make sense?

So which do I choose? I’m still trying to decide between “Sesame” and “Tiny Human.” If I choose Sesame then the next little one will become their in utero nickname on the blog and if I choose Tiny Human I’ll just call them TH #1 and TH#2 kind of like Thing 1 and Thing 2. I like Sesame because it’s sentimental and reminiscent of my pregnancy. On the other hand, Baby S is really and truly a Tiny Human. He is just so full of personality already.

I’m going to try really hard to make a decision before next week, so look out for the new nickname soon.

Which name do you think I should choose?



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