I meant to write a post about this earlier, but better late than never. My in-laws were in town shortly after Christmas, which means we were able to go on not one, but TWO dates in a row. We went shopping and to the movies for our first date night and followed that up with a New Year’s Eve celebration at my sister-in-law’s place. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here, but my SIL is an OB/GYN and she was on call for NYE, so she needed to be close to home. She had a get together at her place and we all dressed up and had a BLAST! Plus, I wasn’t worrying about Sesame the entire night because he was at home with his grandparents.

We clean up pretty well…
I may have had a few drinks at this point…

Clearly I was enjoying the wine and champagne…
Oh and just because I’m vain and want to show off my postpartum sexiness…

Oh.My.God Becky, look at her butt!!!
How was your NYE????