Happy Monday! It’s time for another Mind Right Monday link-up hosted by yours truly, Dani from Ok, Dani and Reese from Reese and Coco. Just make a post that includes 1) your GOALS for the week and 2) what you’re GRATEFUL for, and BOOM You’re Done!! Oh and link up your post at the end… (If your post doesn’t meet those two requirements, it will be deleted)
Alright, so let’s go back and see how I did with last week’s goals… (technically two weeks ago)
- Work out three times a week. (Close… 2.5)
- Drink 64 oz of water every single day (5 out of 7 days)
- Use my planner (Partially DONE)
- Email my advisor about a meeting because I’m still stuck in this slump (Still Fail)
- Finish outstanding orders for Hook Smart and mail them out. (DONE)
- Blog twice (FAIL)
- Start working on my next Raising an Advocate series post (Draft)
- Wake up before Sesame at least three times this week (DONE)
- Finish lesson plans for next two weeks (Kinda DONE)
- Figure out new learning resources for Sesame (DONE)
- SURVIVE the first week back of in person teaching (DONE actually two weeks)
This week’s goals…
- Write a “honesty hour” post (journal/blog) about my writing slump.
- Email my advisor even if I don’t write anything because I need help.
- Work out three times a week.
- Try out my new meditation dvd.
- Finish the next post in the Raising an Advocate series.
- Work on Hook Smart items for Type-A Conference.
- Menu plan for two weeks.
- Clean our bedroom (it’s a DISASTER)
I am grateful for…
- Two wonderful weeks of in-person teaching
- Getting adequate rest most of last week
- Feeling like I’ve found my “purpose”
- The love Mr. S and Sesame show me daily
- My mom
- My sisters… I miss them a lot…
- A hobby that also makes me money
- Great friends who always encourage me
- My uncle
Are you getting your mind right this week? Link up…