Uhh mommy there’s a weird hat on your head and we’re taking a picture.
I’m not a big fan of new year’s resolutions because people usually break them and they usually seem generic. I am a big fan of setting goals for yourself and I typically set major goals around my birthday each year. Sometimes I set monthly or weekly goals to help me get things done. I think this comes from my uncle giving me lists of things to accomplish when it came to my goal of getting into college.
I thought about doing a post full of all my goals for the year, but like I mentioned before sometimes they change weekly or monthly, so I’ll just post them as I start to work on them. The first goal that I’m working on is taking a picture of me with Baby S every day in 2013. Sadly, I already slipped up because I totally forgot on the very first day of the New Year, probably because we were all so exhausted.

Are you really taking a picture in that silly hat? *throws hands up*
We don’t have to be dressed up and the pictures don’t have to be perfect, but we both just need to be in them. Don’t worry I won’t share them all, but I will let you all know how I’m doing from time to time. I just want to make sure that my son always has pictures to remind him of the times we shared.
Are you trying to take more pictures with you and your children this year? What’s your plan? Wanna join my challenge?