My 30th birthday is six weeks from today and surprisingly I’m not freaking out. Five or six years ago, the thought of turning 30 frightened me. At that point, I was just starting a PhD program and feeling slightly burnt out. Career-wise I was on a good path, but I really wanted more. I didn’t want my life to only be about academia. While I loved hanging out in the Writing Studio and soaking up all the experiences, I longed for a family life as well. In hindsight, I realize that I spent so much time on campus because it meant less time alone in my apartment.
Now that it’s almost here I’m trying to decide what to do to commemorate the event. I know I want to write a few letters to myself. I’m thinking a letter to my 16-year old self, 21-year old self, and future 50 year old self maybe? I also want to introduce myself a little more to my readers, so maybe a thirty things you don’t know about me post. Suggestions?
How do you handle getting older?