Back to Campus…

by Danielle S
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Hi! Did yall miss me?

Today is my first evening back on campus.

Image courtesy of Tumblr, chronic-genderbender

Image courtesy of Tumblr, chronic-genderbender

Part of me feels like this…

Image courtesy of Tumblr, reactbby

Image courtesy of Tumblr, reactbby

And the other part of me feels like this…

Why? Because my students tend to be pretty much like those two gifs. No, seriously now that I’m a mom of a toddler I’ve realized that college students really act like toddlers a lot. They are either super engaged and very excited about learning, or they are a tantrum throwing hot mess.

So, you can understand my excitement and inner tears about this evening. I mean I get to wear real clothes and talk in complete sentences. I’ll even be able to sneak in a phone call or two during a break that doesn’t involve me screaming at someone off and on in the background. BUUUUUUT… I’ll also have to deal with whiny not so tiny humans who complain about having to do work. I mean what did they think they were coming to college for in the first place?

Wish me luck…

P.S. This may very well be my last semester teaching at a brick and mortar school for awhile. More on that later…

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