Sesame turned one on Sunday, March 10, 2013, but we celebrated his birthday with a BIG family BBQ on Saturday, March 9th.
Both sets of grandparents and almost all of his aunts and uncles traveled from Michigan and Illinois to come celebrate his big day with us. Since our house definitely isn’t large enough to house everyone we had his party at Mr. S’ cousin’s home. Sesame’s aunt catered the food for his party, so we wouldn’t have to worry about cooking while hosting at the same time. I was against the catering at first, but in the end it definitely worked out. We were able to enjoy our son’s first birthday without having to make sure there were enough burgers and hot dogs on the grill.
Anyway, I know yall are just here for the pictures, so here they you go 🙂 (Just realized we didn’t get any shots of the actual decorations, but there was a HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY banner and a table with a few dinosaur decorations.

Family picture… before the festivities (there’s no after lol)

Father and son… yes I know they’re twins and I’m just the gestational carrier…

Mother son picture

The birthday boy ready for the party to start…

Another shot of the birthday boy… he looks like he’s giving the Detroit “what up doe” greeting…

The birthday boy and his older cousins… I love them 🙂
There were games… well one game…

Pin the head on the dinosaur…

The birthday song…
It was hard to find an image of the cake that didn’t expose his name, but I got it 🙂

His dinosaur cake…
It’s cake smash time…

Tentatively checking out the icing…

More icing…

I think he likes it…

He definitely likes it and I’m freaking out about the potential mess…

Yea he’s having a little too much fun…

We’re totally going to frame that one it’s the most impressive cake smash picture I’ve seen so far. Neither of my nephews wrecked their cake like he did.
Overall I think he enjoyed himself. He was a little cranky towards the end and didn’t want to let mommy/daddy out of his sight, but that’s to be expected when you miss your nap.
Still can’t believe it’s been a year already 🙁
How was your little one’s first birthday?